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On Hearing His Still Voice in Our Small Moments

Writer: Marnie HammarMarnie Hammar

By Kaitlyn Fiedler

Hear Him Louder Essay Series: Kaitlyn's Story

It was completely silent in our living room, but I couldn’t even hear my husband’s voice. My mind was loud. So much noise. So many messages. Images. News. Information. INFORMATION. I N F O R M A T I O N!

All of it, stifling all other voices.

My husband was calling my name from just across the room, but his voice was only a faint murmur, suffocated under the layers of all the other information my mind was infiltrated with. When I finally heard my husband calling my name, it was like it was coming through a vacuum.

Then I became overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit, helping me to be aware of where I’d been and what I was missing. The constant noise I was taking in from the world around me was stealing my ability to hear anyone else’s voice, including the Lord’s.

Just as I had hard time hearing my husband even when he’s standing in the same room with me, my God’s voice also often fades to the background. I routinely allow hundreds of other voices into my mind and my heart. And then gradually… slowly… unknowingly… God’s voice is smothered. It’s blurred with all the others.

That moment, that day in my living room, I felt confronted with the question: Am I even able to tell God’s voice from the world’s anymore?

Do you feel that too?

With fresh conviction, I sat in my living room wondering how I could silence the noise.

Romans 12:2 came to mind: “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

With that revelation, I immediately prayed and asked God to renew my mind.

Father, renew my mind and my thoughts so that I can understand your will. Fade away all other voices, and let yours be of utmost discernability.

I kept repeating that prayer through my days. Then, gradually, slowly, I began to hear God’s voice in the little things. In the small moments.

As I wake:

He is found in the early morning rise, and I’m reminded that his mercies are new each day (Lamentations 3:22-23).

As I make breakfast:

I hear him around the breakfast table as I feed my little one. We thank him for his provision, and we are reminded of the Bread of Life He gives.

As I step outside:

I hear him in the breeze on an afternoon walk… in the sunshine… in the rainfall. Creation shouts his glory. I hear him in the chirp of the birds, and I’m reminded of Matthew 6:25-26: If my Father takes care of the birds of the air, how much more will He take care of me?

As I clean or cook:

He whispers encouragement to my heart, “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him,” (Colossians 3:17).

As I spend time with my child:

Even when watching my child play, I learn more about who He is. “Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven,” (Matthew 18:4).

As I wind down:

By the end of the day, I am weary, yet I have the opportunity to thank God for another day He’s given me. As I lay my head down, I ask him for the strength to face another day tomorrow, to renew my heart and mind, to quiet the noise of the world, and to hear him in every little thing.

The Lord will speak to us right where we are. Even in the small moments. Maybe especially in the small moments. We only need listen.

For Reflection:

1 | What are some things that distract you from hearing God’s voice?

2 | What steps can you take today to be intentional about listening for God in your small moments?


The Hear Him Louder Essay Series is a guest writer series where God's daughters share their stories of hearing God’s whispers in their every day. It’s meant to serve as an encouragement for the times when God feels far and seems quiet. When we read each other’s stories of how He meets us, it reminds and reassures us that He is near. May this series be an invitation for us to listen for His voice together.

Don't miss any posts in this series! Subscribe to receive notifications for each new essay, posted every other Thursday. When you subscribe, you'll receive a link to a FREE five-day devotional (45 beautiful pages!) called, “Closer: Five Days to Hearing God Louder.” Each day features teaching on one posture and a guided journaling section to help us practice taking steps toward hearing God louder in our every day.

Learn more about each of these five postures:

New to this series? Check out the rest of the series!

Interested in contributing to the Hear Him Louder Essay Series? The call for submissions opens in January and June. To submit an essay outside of those windows, contact me.


About Kaitlyn

Kaitlyn Fiedler lives near Greenville, SC with her husband and baby boy. She spends her days studying for her seminary classes and simply enjoying her days being a wife, a biological mom, and a new foster mom.

She writes regularly about faith and womanhood on her blog, and at Instagram (@kaitlyn_fiedler).

1 Comment

Barb Hegreberg
Barb Hegreberg
Jul 30, 2021

Eloquently written


©️2024 by Marnie Hammar 

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