By Cara Blondo

Hear Him Louder Essay Series: Cara's Story
In disbelief my friends asked, “You’re not coming? You’re canceling?” Yes, I explained, this was too much for me.
The “this” I referred to was the possibility of finding a tick on one of my four children ages six and under after learning much of the field trip would occur in the woods. As a young mom, I avoided placing ourselves in situations that increased the likelihood of a tick bite. I planned our days, commitments, and RSVPs accordingly. Perhaps this approach was overboard (it probably was!), but I held the view that I knew what I could and could not handle in an already pressure-filled stage of life. I'd rather forgo walks in the woods than give up peace in my heart (and therefore my home).
You can imagine my dread when years later my teenage daughter informed me the wonderful equine therapy role she volunteered for involved guiding children and horses through a tick-infested forest. “Please just promise to do a tick check every time you come home,” I sighed. She promised.

More than a year went by. Then it happened. “Mom, I found a tick on me.” She remained calm while I, of course, panicked. She pointed to something so tiny on her leg I could barely see it. I asked, “Are you sure that’s not a freckle?”
“I’m sure. I scan myself every time after the farm. I am familiar with every freckle.”
Her familiarity allowed her to identify what didn’t belong.
The Lord once again impressed upon my heart the necessity of being “familiar” with His Word in order to identify what doesn’t belong in me.
That thought attempting to discourage me? It’s not in His Word and therefore doesn’t belong.
The fear trying to grip me? His Truth assures me He’s still in control.
My circumstances threatening to overwhelm me? I’m reminded of His sovereign care.
The list could go on and on of thoughts that were routinely trying to wiggle their way into my heart that simply didn’t line up with God’s Truth.
His Spirit brought to mind a verse I held dear, “For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.” (Hebrews 4:12, NLT)
With the presence of this tick, the lies of the enemy were trying to come at me fast and furiously. If I wasn’t careful – and if I didn’t allow His Spirit through His Word to search, expose and cut out that which did not line up with His Truth – I was susceptible to falling prey to the enemy’s schemes. As threatening as I viewed the ticks, the Lord reminded me, the greater threat is found in believing any thought or emotion that comes my way due to lack of familiarity with the Word of God.

Just as when Jesus was tempted by the devil in the wilderness (Matthew 4) and replied, “It is written…”, so must I, too, be able to filter every thought, emotion and temptation through what is written.
I couldn’t help but thank and praise God for the reminder found in the form of that tiny tick. Life’s pressure-filled stages seem to evolve and change, yes, but do they come to an end? No. While I was unwilling to forfeit my peace for some nature walk pleasure with toddlers, I recognized how much more I must guard my heart and mind now with teenagers; the list of what I was unwilling to forfeit only seems to have grown longer – not shorter – over time.
The only way I can maneuver life’s challenges with wisdom and grace is to face each one with, “It is written” and become increasingly “familiar” with His Truth. What is known fights the unknown.
The Hear Him Louder Essay Series is a guest essay series where God's daughters share their stories of hearing God’s whispers in their every day. It’s meant to serve as an encouragement for the times when God feels far and seems quiet. May this series be an invitation for us to listen for His voice together.
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About Cara

Whether through teaching Bible studies, speaking to groups in person or online, or writing devotionals or other Christ-centered resources, Cara is passionate about helping women connect biblical truths to their everyday lives. Through her blog, The One Thing Desired, and podcast, Perspective Shifts, she hopes to encourage women to shift their perspective upward and come to know Him as their greatest desire.