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Marnie Hammar
Aug 14, 20243 min read
On Preparing Soil and Launching Children
By Marnie Hammar We’re moving our firstborn to Ohio State and I vacillate between lingering in the depths of despair and hyper-fixating...

Marnie Hammar
Nov 16, 20224 min read
Three Ways to Prepare Your Heart for Thanksgiving
It’s closing in, isn’t it? Our lists are growing: Buy the turkey, look up and pretend to understand words like “brine,” stock up on and...

Marnie Hammar
May 19, 20213 min read
Where We Are Doesn't Have to be Where We Stay
I have a thing for barns. Most weekends, back roads are our choice for getting to soccer, and if I’m lucky enough to be a passenger...

Marnie Hammar
Nov 10, 20204 min read
On Picking Up Our Broken Pieces
Whether he likes or not (he doesn’t), my middle son unloads the dishwasher every day. Last week, as he was stretching to put a serving...

Marnie Hammar
Oct 29, 20203 min read
On Chasing Light and Turning from Vultures
The sun reached forward, adorning the tops of trees and tips of houses in gold. I needed to be out in it, to feel on my face and my...

Marnie Hammar
Oct 13, 20203 min read
On Forgiveness: A Fight for the Promise of More?
The afternoon sun reached through the window, shining on my morning coffee. The day had passed without me. I pretended to not think about...

Marnie Hammar
Sep 29, 20204 min read
An Awkward Lesson in Love from Junior High Pickup
Really, it doesn't matter whether she was right or wrong. What matters is who I was in response.

Marnie Hammar
Sep 8, 20205 min read
From Hearing to Healing: How God Spoke Into My Pain
It wasn’t necessarily a deception, but it felt like it. We’d been led to believe something that would change our family forever —...

Marnie Hammar
Aug 18, 20203 min read
What I Learned from Being the Liar on the Playground
My mom took my brother and I to a park in a neighboring town that was much bigger than our little burg. I remember how its decorative,...

Marnie Hammar
Aug 4, 20203 min read
What You Need to Know About Superhero Capes
When my middle son was in preschool, one of the moms made a superhero cape and matching mask for each preschooler in the class. Every...

Marnie Hammar
Jul 17, 20204 min read
Lessons from an Ivy League Library
Once upon a time, I worked for an Ivy League university near Boston, where my job was to interview and write about students and faculty...

Marnie Hammar
Jul 2, 20204 min read
When God Shows Up in the Grocery Store Parking Lot
I saw her, but I didn’t really see her. I was loading my groceries into the back of my car, hurrying. It was almost dinner time and I...

Marnie Hammar
Mar 1, 202010 min read
Discerning the Voice of God: A Journey of Discovering that He Speaks
Photos by Pam Scott, @pjscott6 It’s a Thursday morning in August, 2006. I finish vacuuming, because when you’re selling a house, you...

Marnie Hammar
Apr 30, 20193 min read
We Can't Welcome Spring Without the Soil
It never fails. When spring offers its long-awaited warmer temps and my boys burst outside, slopping through the softening gunk and mud,...

Marnie Hammar
Jan 9, 20194 min read
New Year's Goal: Embrace Growth and Grace
Let’s talk about what just happened. Remember December? We taught our kids about Jesus' birth, we did the advent calendar, we bought the...

Marnie Hammar
Oct 4, 20184 min read
Confessions from Soccer Carpool
I’m nearly damaging my steering wheel with my anxious gripping, waiting for the red light to turn. My middle son is lacing his soccer...

Marnie Hammar
Sep 15, 20183 min read
I am not your Happy Maker
Summer closes on my 13th year as a mama. After I see my three boys off to school, and I’m left with my first moments of quiet since May...
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