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About Me

Wife for 28 years and mom of three boys (19, 16, & 13), I’m a Jesus writer and speaker with a day job that revolves around taming the stinky, restocking the pantry, and distributing boys to the places they go.


I’m not perfect. I'm finally learning that I've lived too many days being bullied by a checklist, and am now settling into a life that embraces grace and growth. My sink full of dishes is evidence of that...


My overwhelmingly testosterone-laden family embraces a sport-filled, friend-filled, church-filled life in Cincinnati. Pre-Cincinnati, we embraced Chicago (no kids), then Boston (one kid) as home, where I loved working as a corporate communications consultant and marketing director in higher education. Since then, the fancy shoes don’t come out very often. Most often, you'll find me cheering for my boys at soccer (loudly) and golf (quietly). 

You'll find me at She Reads Truth and Family Christian, where I'm honored to regularly contribute devotions. My work has also been published at (in)courage, The Joyful Life Magazine, Fathom Mag, Revelation Wellness, and Living By Design.


I'm honored to have been featured in Alli Worthington's "Women Worth Following" series, and as a speaker in the Wives of Integrity Online Marriage Conference.


Photo credit: Marnie Hammar Photography

How I Got Here


Photo credit: Marnie Hammar Photography

I grew up knowing the Bible stories and the fancy church-y words. After my husband and I got married, we were faithful to go to church. But we didn't really go to God.  


My faith focused on the list of should’s I had created since I was young: I should act this way. I should memorize this verse. I should have quiet time. I should be perfect. My faith was about checking boxes. And head knowledge. And will power.


Not heart.

I coasted along on that mentality until my husband (also Christian-y since childhood) and I actually needed Jesus. Our marriage was hard and we needed help. And by his grace, He saved our marriage and began growing us.


THAT is when we learned there is more to this Jesus thing. 


I had to stop striving.

Turn my heart and ears to Him.

And let Him do this thing. 


Sometimes, I still try to should myself.


But He keeps reminding me: Seek My voice. Hear Me. Let Me lead.

That's what this is all about -- listening for Him, and then sharing what I learn. That's a whole lot different for this recovering "should-er." 

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